Feb 27, 2021
Maldives Pen Pals

Scouts letters to Maldives Scouts

Our letters to the Scouts in the Maldives have been posted and are on the way to the Indian Ocean. In December 2020 – one of their lockdown sessions was to have a online meeting with the scouts in the Maldives.

Normally we could not keep their cameras on in sessions, but on this one – they were all excited and interested in finding out more about their counterparts in another country.

2 hours later and the were still talking. The ongoing element of this getting the Scouts to write letters to each other using pens and paper, yes that old technology.

hopefully this will start a burgeoning friendship both for the groups and the young people involved.

If you would like your child to join the beavers or if you would like to be a volunteer and support young people with lifeskills please get in touch with us here

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Feb 27, 2021
Escape Room

Akela had been locked in the conservatory by a the mischievous Teddy, and had hidden the key in a jar. He had left some clues to find the key.

the clues revealed some letters that led to the location of the missing.

All he had on to help him was a phone and some beavers on the zoom call to help him escape to get his water.

Luckily 15 mins later and 9 clues later they answered all the riddles and found the key…

Mr teddy was giggling in the corner…

Todays activity was based around teamwork, and codebreaking and will count towards their skills badge.

If you would like your child to join the beavers or if you would like to be a volunteer and support young people with lifeskills please get in touch with us here

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