Today the Ibn Sena Cub pack experienced what cooking is like for those who don’t have much. We discussed their weekly meals and asked them how they would feel if they did not have the luxury of different meals each day and the problems facing children of their age who just have basic means to cook.

We gave them a pan, a small stove and some raw ingredients so they could create some simple yet nitrous food. The ingredients we gave were red lentils, flour, water, pasta, tinned chick peas, and some larder options.

over 30 minutes they made dhall, chickpwa curry and pasta and tomato sauce, and topped it off with flat bread.

This session demonstrated that we are citizens of the world and we should have an understanding of how others in the world live. And that our help and support though charity and donations do help those in need.

Join the adventure. If you would like your children to join the adventure and gain #skillsforlife sign up here.

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